Sunday 6 October 2013

Fall is here and crisp apples scent the air

It's a rainy fall day outside my window but nothing says comfort like the smell of baking apples. So here's an easy peasy recipe to make your kitchen smell like fall in the nicest kind of way.

Spiced Harvest Apple Chips

adapted from Leann Bakes


Apples. Any number of any variety. (You can't really mess this part up.)
2 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of fresh grated nutmeg
1 tsp of cardamom
½ tsp of ground ginger
¼ tsp of allspice (optional)
2 tsp of fruit sugar (optional)


Preheat oven to 220F, and line two large baking pans with parchment paper.

Using a knife, or a mandolin if you have one, slice apples as thin as possible. Lay them side by side on a baking sheet, being careful not to overlap, lest you want conjoined chips.

Mix your spices together and pour into a clean spice jar and gently sprinkle a thin coating of the spice blend onto the apple slices.

Bake for one hour, flip the slices, and bake for one hour more. Place on a wire cooling rack. Chips will crisp up as they cool.

