Sunday 23 February 2014

It's been a while hasn't it... but here's a new recipe!

Confetti Citrus Quinoa Salad

·  2 lemons, zest and juice
·  2 lime, zest and juice
·  ½ cup of real lime juice (if not citrusy enough for you.)
·  1 block of light feta cheese, diced
·  2 cucumbers, seeds removed and diced
·  3 green onions, sliced
·  ½ bag of baby carrots, chopped
· 1 pepper, diced
·  ½ cup of fresh Italian flat leaf parsley chopped
·  1 cup white quinoa
·  1 cup red quinoa
·  4 cups water or no sodium vegetable or chicken stock or a combination of
·  Salt and pepper to taste


1.      Bring 4 cups of stock to boil. Add quinoa, bring back to boil, reduce heat to medium and cover, simmering for 18-20 minutes until water is absorbed.
2.      When liquid is absorbed, remove from heat, fluff with fork, cover and let sit for 15 minutes.
3.      While quinoa is cooling chop up vegetables.
4.      Zest citrus directly into cooling quinoa and add juice of lemons and lime + extra lime juice so it’s absorbed into the quinoa while cooling
5.      Add vegetables, parsley, salt, pepper and diced feta once cool.
This makes about 8 cups of salad - which is my lunches for a week :-)

To make this a lunch portion, add ½ a diced avocado and ½ a can of water packed chunk light tuna just before serving.

Eat. Enjoy!